16 Weeks Pregnant: How Big is My Baby?

If you're 16 weeks pregnant, you're probably now beginning to feel much more pregnant than you have in recent weeks. You may be feeling the tiny flutters of kicks and twirls inside your womb, and you probably have some degree of noticeable growth in your abdomen. Welcome to the most wonderful stage of pregnancy!

The Baby's Exact Size
Your baby's growth has been very rapid in the last few weeks, and it's going to continue at a fast rate for several more months. At the beginning of week 16, your baby is 4.57 long from crown to rump and weighs about three and a half ounces. By the end of the week, she'll have grown to 5.12 inches long and will weigh nearly five ounces. Be sure to eat enough and get enough rest to make room for your baby's rapid growth.
A 16-Week-Old Fetus is the Size of...
Can't visualize your baby's size based on numbers alone? Chew on this: 16 weeks into pregnancy, your baby is about the size of a ripe avocado or an onion. Although her length is measured from head to rump, she'd be about as long as your hand if you measured her length all the way to her toes. She's got tiny hands about the same size as your pinky-nail and visible facial features.
What the Baby Looks Like
Your baby now looks very distinctly like a human being. Her eyes have moved to the front of her head, giving her a much more normal-- and less alien-like-- appearance. All of her joints work and she's practicing grasping, grimacing, jumping, kicking and twirling inside your womb. Her ears are fairly complete and her head is erect. Although still far from viable, your baby is getting closer to life outside the womb as each day passes. Good luck!