4 Pregnancy Symptoms You Should Never Ignore

It's no secret that pregnant moms tend to worry. For many expectant moms-- especially the first time around-- even slightly out-of-whack symptoms can feel very scary. While it's acceptable to ignore those mild, everyday complaints like nausea and backache, there are some pregnancy-related discomforts that you should never ignore. These symptoms can be signs of very serious conditions that could, if left unchecked, be fatal to you or your unborn baby.
Always defer to your obstetrician's or midwife's judgment when you are experiencing worrisome pregnancy symptoms. If you notice any of these problems, consult your practitioner promptly to protect your health and your baby's safety.

Severe Vomiting
What it is: Severe vomiting during pregnancy is known as hyperemesis gravidarum. It exceeds the typical symptoms of morning sickness, such as nausea and occasional vomiting. Women with this condition are unable to keep down fluids and may vomit blood or bile. Dizziness, rapid heart rate and faintness are all tell-tale symptoms of hyperemesis.

What it can lead to: If left unchecked, hyperemesis gravidarum can lead to dehydration, which can itself trigger fainting, preterm labor, or miscarriage. In very severe, untreated cases, hyperemesis gravidarum can actually cause fatal consequences for the mother. If you are unable to keep down sips of water or are experiencing weight loss in pregnancy, contact your health care provider promptly.
Vaginal Bleeding

What it is:
 Vaginal bleeding is the expulsion of blood through the vagina, usually coming from the uterus and cervix. In some cases, especially in the first trimester, vaginal bleeding is not cause for serious concern. However, in other cases, it can signal the onset of several very serious conditions. Bleeding in pregnancy always requires medical evaluation; don't ignore this symptom.

What it can lead to:
 In the first trimester, vaginal bleeding is regarded as a threatened miscarriage. Without treatment, it may signal or lead to the death of the unborn baby. Later in pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can signal other serious pregnancy complications like placenta previa and preterm birth. These can all be fatal to the unborn baby if they are not treated.

Severe Pain 

What it is: Severe pain can occur in almost any part of the body, and it should never be ignored-- particularly during pregnancy. It might include intense headaches, severe backache, or strong, cramping uterine contractions. In any case, it requires evaluation from an obstetrician or midwife. In many cases, severe pain is the first sign of a life-threatening pregnancy complication.
What it can lead to: Severe cramping or backache before the 37th week of pregnancy is a sign of preterm labor, especially if it occurs at regular intervals. If you do not get treatment to slow or stop your impending labor, your baby could suffer dire consequences. In other situations, severe headaches or leg pains could be a sign of a cardiovascular or circulatory problem, which needs prompt treatment-- especially during pregnancy.
What it is: Dizziness, faintness and vertigo are related pregnancy symptoms often related to circulatory and cardiovascular problems. They might include sudden collapse, feeling faint or "woozy," a feeling of spinning, or seeing stars. While brief, transient episode of dizziness aren't anything to panic about, lasting or severe episodes need immediate attention.

What it can lead to:
 Preeclampsia, or pregnancy-induced hypertension, often shows few symptoms early on. However, late in the disease's progression, it leads to significant dizziness and feelings of faintness. Without treatment, preeclampsia can kill the mother or child. In other cases, dizzness is a sign of other serious but treatable conditions, such as gestational diabetes, dehydration and anemia. Prompt intervention can deflect the complications caused by these conditions.
Pregnancy is a joyful time, and there's generally no need to spend your pregnancy in a state of panic or worry. However, when you are showing frightening symptoms, it is critical that you take action quickly to protect your health and your unborn baby. Fast help can improve your chances of defeating frightening pregnancy symptoms and complications.